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The Ant

I am perseverant. Despite my tiny legs, I can cover miles.

With my small size and tiny legs, getting anywhere takes time. While I may get discouraged at times, deep down, I always know that the journey will be worth it. I will find food for my tribe, material for my anthill, and along the way, I will discover the world and the numerous opportunities it offers. My spirit will support your journey by reinforcing your trust in the process and your inner knowing that the universe works for and with you, not against you.

I am not intimidated by big tasks. While I may be small, I can carry far more than my size.

I choose to feed my motivation by looking at the bigger plan rather than the current challenge or discomfort. I don’t let my fear prevent me from pursuing my goals. At times I may ask for the support of my tribe or try to take on the challenge I face from a different angle to ensure my success, but I rarely give up. When I do, I know that I need to respect my limits and that I am not invincible.

I know that I am not alone. A community can be present for me if I allow myself to start trusting others.

I’m a maker, but I don’t work alone. I build and maintain my anthill with my community. We support each other on our journey through both our misadventures and our happy findings. When you work with your community, you can go further and reach your goals faster, and you might even experience outcomes greater than you had imagined. I am here to remind you that asking for support is ok and invite you to find the community you can trust to be your support system.