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The Snake

I release attachment to who I have been.

I molt several times per year, leaving my old skin behind just as I would leave the old self-perception or image I had of myself. I allow myself to revise every version of myself as I know that I grow and evolve every day.

Who you are today is not who you were yesterday, a week ago, or even a month ago, nor is it who you will be a day, a week, or a month from now.

Through my presence, I’d like to help you realize that you can redefine yourself and let go of the idea of who you’ve been to welcome the person you feel you are meant to be today.

I trust my power.

To many, it may seem that I have a tendency to bite off more than I can chew, but this is because I know what I am capable of and I trust my power.

I know that with enough patience and perseverance, I can take down animals many times my size.

I am here to remind you that with patience and perseverance you too can overcome challenges that may seem too big at first sight. Trust yourself.

I connect with my inner medicine and with the master within.

Many legends instill fear about who I am and what my intentions are, but some traditions know that I represent the primal energy present in every human and living being.

Take my spirit within you so that it can show you the lessons of your fears, your wounds, and your past experiences so that you can become your own master.

If you let me rise within you, I will take you on a deep awakening and healing journey and help you to activate your inner medicine.