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The Sow

I unearth my shadow.

I am prized for my ability to find truffles which grow hidden under soil outside of sight and light. With my sharp sense of smell, I am able to unearth this precious mushroom that many value almost as much as gold.

Likewise, in the spiritual realm, I am also a skilled “gold digger.” I am here to help you unearth your shadows—the hidden parts of you—that could benefit from your attention so that you can heal and grow.

I will support your quest for self-understanding with compassion so that you can drop your judgments and your ego masks and unearth the golden nuggets of wisdom that lurk behind them.

I am more than just a body.

Some people value me more for my body than for my spirit, but that is because they can’t see beyond my physical form.

I have much more to offer than just my body. I am a loving being whose loyalty, sensitivity and sharp intelligence, makes me a wonderful companion if one simply takes the time to get to know me.

Like me, you are also more than what meets the eyes; you know it deep down, but do you allow others to see it or experience it?

I nurture my world.

I can feed a dozen piglets at the same time. But I do more than just feed them; I show them the world and how to behave as a team while ensuring their emotional wellbeing so that they can grow wisely while feeling loved.

Whether it is by educating your kids or inspiring others you can nurture your community by sharing your life experience, your skills, and your knowledge.

My experience with the SOW