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The Elk

I listen to my body.

While my feet anchor my body to the Earth, my antlers anchor my connection to the sky. In between, I pay attention to the world around me, and it becomes my teacher.

When I am present to my body I can feel the wind, the rain, and the sun on my skin. I can hear all the sounds around me, from whispers to loud noises.

Together, my body and my senses alert me to any looming danger, and through the sensations and emotions they inspire, I become present to not just to any discomfort I may feel, but also to opportunities or relationships that seem worth exploring.

I invite you to tune into your body and to your five senses and to stay present to what they are telling you.

I honor the divine in me.

My antlers look like a crown gifted by the trees to show how much we share our bond to consciousness. I am proud of their gift and wear it with deep honor and respect.

My antlers are the external expression of my faith in my actions, my choices, and my intuition. This faith allows me to move with grace and confidence in the world.

You have a birthright to be here and you owe it to yourself and to the collective (human, animal, vegetal or metaphysical) to occupy your space in the universe.

You, like I, have a role to play in this life therefore it is time for you to embrace your power.

I express myself unapologetically.

Whatever the adversity I face, I hold my head high. It is not a question of pride or stubbornness, but a question of dignity.

I am not here to be tamed, to be minimized, or to be muted. Even if my voice does not seem as beautiful as my graceful presence, it has the right to be heard.

Likewise, it is your birthright to have your own thoughts and opinions. You may learn from others, grow and change your point of view at times, but don’t allow yourself to be muted just because you think differently, and don’t shut down your creativity simply because it is not understood or accepted by others.

Own your voice and your creative expression.

My experience with the ELK