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The Otter

I value playfulness.

Give me a stone, and I’ll start juggling with it. Give me a rock, and I’ll use it to crack open shells to save my food. While bringing playfulness into my day, I discover how I can use the gifts of nature around me.

The more I experience joy, exploration, and life through a lens of playfulness, the more I grow, learn and discover new and exciting things.

I’m here to remind you to inject more playfulness into your life. You don’t need suffering to grow; just look at how much kids learn when they are having fun! So let yourself enjoy life, be curious, and see what the Universe can surprise you with.

I seize opportunities.

I’m one of the few animals that use nature’s gifts as tools. As I said, give me a stone, and I’ll use it to crack open shells to enjoy my food.

You, too, have many tools and opportunities at hand. Work with me, and you will learn how to see opportunities in the stones and rocks that seem to block your way.

By looking at your problem as an invitation to change, you may uncover opportunities that will take you farther than your original idea.

I allow myself some me-time.

I am considered a water dog in many cultures because, like the Earth dog, I am incredibly loyal to those I love. However, I am self-sufficient and don’t need others to feel good or to survive.

While I enjoy being with others, I also need my space and autonomy and will join my peers only when it pleases me to.

I’m here to remind you that it is ok to enjoy your me-time. It is your way to recharge, learn, or create and you shouldn’t feel guilty about it.