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The Bee

I co-create with the Universe to the benefit of all.

When you see me flying from one flower to another, you might not see that my efforts benefit a great many more than just myself and my species.

However, when I forage, I help pollinate many plants that in turn get eaten by humans and animals. Similarly, your community is bigger than your family, neighborhood, country, and even species.

Consider how your actions impact the world that surrounds you and how you could co-create with your environment to the benefit of others.

I co-create consciously with others.

Within our hive, each member has their part to play. The queen ensures the continuity of the species while other bees have their specific skill and mission to ensure the health and sustainability of the hive.

Your society is no different; people have different roles to play to maintain a healthy community. But for a society to thrive, it requires vision, creativity, teamwork, and communication.

Therefore you want to be intentional in choosing like-minded people to partner with so that you can empower each other and create the future you dream of together.

I celebrate my achievements.

My honey looks like liquid gold, and it is the treasure of my labor. While the product of your efforts may not look like liquid gold, they remain the treasures of your labor.

You are bringing your golden nuggets into this world with everything you create in every task you accomplish, and in every act of love, you are giving unconditionally.

Therefore, you owe it to yourself to see how your nectar is nurturing the world by celebrating your accomplishments and allowing yourself to be rightfully proud of your contributions.

My bees…